Monday, July 12, 2010

A new beginning for Buzzwordy

Day one,

I must say to the world and myself that it is wonderful to have a totally liberated feeling after slaving away in the corporate world for more than two decades.

Hello everyone, the corporate world that I'm referring to just happens to be in the technology area. I still remember vividly about my last day at work - it was relatively uneventful to say the least. A few old colleagues stopped by my office to bid me farewell while others dodged the other directions as I sauntered down the corridor carrying a box full of my personal collectibles. I kept telling myself that once I walk out the back door and into the parking lot, it will be a new beginning for me. A new era of opportunities, risks, and may be some rewards (which I am yearning to define them as the days and months unfold!) will await me.

First of all, let me briefly introduce myself. One of my lifelong dreams has been to create this fictitious character which I call Buzzwordy. Who is this character? It represents millions of hardworking, risk loving, knowledgeable, and creative business people in the world. Needless to say, I know that you are all out there in the cyberspace and I want to reach out to all of you using Buzzwordy as my medium of communications. The beauty about Buzzwordy is the fact that it transcends borders and nations, and creates a worldwide community to share business knowledge, and to help one another to improve and advance. Through Buzzwordy, I'll share with all of you my personal business experiences. They will be told in a humorous or sometimes sarcastic manner so that we can all have some fun laughing about these stories which I will call them "Cranium Booster".

So day one is just a very brief introductory day for everyone to meet Buzzwordy. I will begin my first Cranium Booster on Day two.

Buzzing off for now and will be back.



  1. Love the opening line in the intro. Reading on... Vic

  2. The white-on-black text is killing me. Vic

  3. How is the new color tone working out for you? I hope that the reading is much easier and enjoyable now.
