Day Fifty Three,
"Hello officer, I really hope that my DEATH MARCH reply didn't rub you the wrong way. What I really mean is that I've been forced to take on an assignment that is known to fail even before starting it. As people say, the odd is not in my favor at all!" sighed Buzzwordy.
"Go on!" signaled the officer.
Buzzwordy began to unload his life story on this poor officer. He mentioned about Madam Fei in China and how his boss Bif used him as his pawn. His hard work never got recognized and even if they did, there would always be other tougher assignments for him to take on. The portrayal of his marketing journey was vivid and animated, and he could see the officer warming up to his story slowly but steadfastly.
"I see Mr. Buzzwordy! So life has been hell for you, right?" probed the officer.
"100%!" replied the marketing whiz kid without any hesitation.
The skeptical officer gave Buzzwordy a long and hard stare, scratched his neck a bit, sipped his black coffee, and leaned forward with a "I HEARD YOU SUCKER" nod.
"Alright Mr. Buzzwordy! Do you have someone to pick you up outside the airport?" asked the officer.
"Oh yes, the IP design company called Intelli is supposed to send a driver to pick me up outside the airport." answered Buzzwordy in a somewhat relaxed manner.
"What is his name?" inquired the officer.
Buzzwordy fumbled through his laptop bag and found a piece of paper - all wrinkled up and looked pretty ragged.
"Got it, his name is Balfour! responded Buzzwordy.
"Balfour, what a wonderful name for a local boy!" nodded the officer as he proceeded to stamp Buzzwordy's passport.
Buzzwordy thanked the officer profusely and picked up his speed as he headed towards the airport ground transportation area.
"Holy blunderbuzz, I'm really late for Balfour. I just hope that he doesn't mind waiting for me!" grunted Buzzwordy.
The moment Buzzwordy entered into the ground transportation area, he saw a huge guy carrying a sign with his name on it. The look on his face would humiliate anyone at first glance.
"Man, Balfour looks like a towering inferno. Sh..!" murmured the marketing whiz kid.
"Good afternoon, you must be Balfour from Intelli. It is great to meet you and sorry for being late. I got held up at ....!" greeted Buzzwordy with a broad smile.
"Mr. Buzzwordy. You are late. Follow me to my car now." gestured Balfour emotionlessly.
There was no "HELLO" or "WELCOME TO TEL AVIV" greeting whatsoever. Balfour kept pacing forward with Buzzwordy sprinting after him closely.
"Hey Balfour, how long is the ride to the hotel?" questioned Buzzwordy once they arrived at Balfour's car.
"Get in!" growled the annoyed driver.
Poor Buzzwordy shook his head and whispered to himself that it will be a long road ahead with Balfour behind the wheel. He let out a loud yawn and stretched his entire body out like a bat.
Balfour gave him a condescending stare, twitched his facial muscle, and drove off like there is no tomorrow.
See you all on Day Fifty Four.
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