Both Xavia and Buzzwordy were a tad surprised to see JJ returning with Bif but far from being totally shocked since she was notorious for dragging the ill-tempered CEO into any tough situation involving her projects with marketing.
"Listen up you two, as I told my team during our last Monday morning staff meeting, we could no longer afford to maintain our marketing communication budget. It has to be slashed in order to keep our operating cost low and competitive. The whole industry is doing this now and I don't know why you two twits don't get it!" screamed the shuddering Bif.
Buzzwordy tilted his head and saw JJ grinning. He then shifted his attention to Xavia. Once again, he saw his boss focusing on his Blackberry screen and purposely trying to avoid making eye contact with Bif.
"Well, speechless aren't you two twits! I know that JJ is right about you marketing stiffs - just a bunch of hot air balloons. When your pathetic ideas happen to soar higher, the harsh reality will simply squash you and bring you back to earth. Now this 3D graphics project is the living proof of what I'm insinuating!" scoffed Bif.
"OK, Bif. I believe we are in sync. with you as far as the cost saving measure is concerned. This is not the issue here. The issue is that JJ came up with a 2D graphics to represent our latest widget which should best be presented in 3D. That's all!" explained Buzzwordy.
"Well, JJ is our media guru and I trust her judgement. It is too late to make a change now so Mr. Buzzwordy, your job now is to figure out the marketing message that will boost the sale of our widget despite the harsh reality of its 2D presentation. Did you get me?" shouted Bif.
"Bif, I will see what can be done but I will need JJ to be open-minded!" acknowledged Buzzwordy.
"I Agree!" concurred Xavia.
"Fix it!" yelled Bif as he left the meeting room.
"Well Xavia and Buzzwordy, as you guys know well, due to our current financial situation, my hands are tight so I do expect the marketing team to work on the media piece alone. Once Bif approves it, I will help put the promotional piece out into the market!" said JJ.
"JJ, we will manage it. Is there anyway for you to incorporate a 3D drawing into the body of the widget promotion flyer? I don't think this will cost any money since I'll create the drawing myself." asked Buzwordy.
"Doable but it will be up to Bif at the end!" nodded JJ.
As Xavia and Buzzwordy were heading out of the meeting room, Xavia shoved his Blackberry screen right in front of Buzzwordy's face.
"Read this!" commanded Xavia.
My position is clear. If no extra cost is incurred, have Buzzwordy add the 3D drawing and get the revenue immediately!
"I think we can quickly put this project behind us!" smiled Buzzwordy.
"Don't forget that you have a gig with Professor Sandie next week!" mentioned Xavia.
"He is on my calendar." confirmed Buzzwordy.
I'll be back on Day Thirty One.
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