Day Fifty Six,
It was a relatively peaceful evening for Buzzwordy. The news about Bif getting a stroke had somewhat calmed him down considerably. He stood next to a window in his hotel room, sipped his Gold Star beer (a famous Israeli beer), and stared at the night view in Tel Aviv.
This perceived Death March could very well turn out to be a kickback trip for him after all. With Bif no longer at the helm of his company, things could improve significantly. Buzzwordy thought about Xavia being promoted to take over Bif's position or this board member named Sokol could easily be the candidate since he knew the company inside and out. On the other hand, the board might recruit someone from the outside and really injected some raw talents into the company.
"Wait a second, what if Bif returns suddenly and surprises everyone?" asked the marketing whiz kid to himself.
A little voice inside of him kept saying NO.
"It is not possible! It is just darn impossible for Bif to recover so quickly! He has stroke MAN!" murmured Buzzwordy emphatically.
As he continued to raise questions to himself, he realized that he was simply trying to kill his time. He felt a tremendous relief and his back was no longer killing him. Buzzwordy could picture just how different the office would be without Bif being around.
"Wow, it will just be a great place to work, won't it?" clapped Buzzwordy excitedly.
Before he could remember what was pacing through his head, Buzzwordy plunged deep into the hotel bed and fell asleep like a new born child.
"Good morning sir, will it be just yourself for breakfast? My name is Akim. " greeted a middle-aged man with a decorative eye patch.
Buzzwordy soon realized that he was standing at the entrance of a modestly looking restaurant. The middle-aged man looked sort of out of place - it could very well be the decorative eye patch on his face that set him apart from all the other people in the area.
"Good morning to you as well Akim. Yes, it will just be me. By the way, what time do you have right now?" responded Buzzwordy.
"Please follow me. The local time is 6:15 in the morning." nodded the middle-aged man as he gestured the marketing whiz kid to follow him into the restaurant.
There was something about Akim's eye patch that intrigued Buzzwordy. He kept staring at it without blinking and his behavior was quickly spotted by the middle-aged man.
"Excuse me sir, are you gazing at my eye patch? Do you know what is behind it?" asked Akim.
Buzzwordy was caught completely off-guard by Akim's questions. He wasn't sure how to answer him but was quite certain that the middle-aged man was onto something. Something unexpected... something strange!
"Look at this!" smiled Akim as he removed his eye patch right in front of Buzzwordy.
"What the heck!' screamed the marketing whiz kid while falling out of his chair.
I will be back on Day Fifty Seven.
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