Buzzwordy was never much of a party animal to begin with. He seldom attended private parties on weekends and preferred to hop from one bookstore to another one. What was he seeking from these bookstores?
"Knowledge, cutting-edge knowledge! I really don't care what they are as long as they are new, mind-provoking, and potentially revolutionary!" confessed Buzzwordy.
He would spend countless hours combing the business and technology shelves, zipping through book titles, and stopping to read a few stimulating books. He might end up buying a few that really intrigued him, however, his normal trait was to quickly review the summary section in each chapter and jotted down some relevant notes for his future references.
It was one of those hot summer weekends again, and Buzzwordy was anxious to bid farewell to his family after their short but memorable lunch gathering. He headed straight towards his usual book joint - full of life and anticipations. His smile was natural and unpretentious, and just about everyone in the mall could notice it.
"Hi Mosaic, good to see you again! Any new and exciting business titles since last Saturday?" queried Buzzwordy as he first entered the bookstore.
"Not too sure Buzzwordy, I haven't had a chance to check this morning!" responded a bald and skinny girl with a light bulb tattoo across her forehead.
"No sweat Mosaic, I'll check it out!" acknowledged Buzzwordy.
"If you doo... find what you are looking for, let me know. This way, you can help turn my light bulb on!" chanted Mosaic in a trance-like manner as she rubbed her forehead facetiously.
Buzzwordy didn't bother to respond to her. He knew that when Mosaic was behaving in a somewhat disconnected way, it would be best not to disturb her.
"Wow, I've been looking for this social media book for quite sometime!" screamed the excited Buzzwordy when he approached the technology shelf.
Before he could touch the tip of that book, a husky voice from behind shook him up unexpectedly.
"Hold your horse. No one is going to touch my book. Now back off from the shelf!" ordered a middle-aged man in a trench coat.
This man moved at a lightening speed and before Buzzwordy could figure out how to respond to him, he had already snatched the book and made his way to the check-out line.
"How despicable can this blunderbuzz (Note) be!" snarled Buzzwordy.
He walked towards the business shelf hoping to find another book with the same title and bingo, he found one more book hidden behind a large hard-covered business reference book.
"Hold it, just hold it right there! You need to back off from my book!" shouted the same middle-aged man in a trench coat.
What should Buzzwordy do? We will wait for his return on Day Twenty Six.
Note: a useless and annoying dud in Buzzwordy's vernacular.
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