Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Did Buzzwordy feel the jolt?

Day Three

I want to share with you all a roller coaster encounter that Buzzwordy had not so long ago. On a business trip to Asia, he did the usual late night drinking ritual with the local boys in a few karaoke bars in Tokyo. After feeling giddy at best, he managed to stumble his way back to the hotel room. Haunted by guilt and responsibility, he forced himself to check his emails at 3AM. Holy nacho, he saw an urgent email from his boss back in the States demanding for an immediate explanation concerning a de-booking request from a customer. "This will surely throw the budget off big time!" exclaimed BuzzWordy.

Tired and half-sober, BuzzWordy found himself struggling with the appropriate words in his reply. He was typing really slow but believed that he got the whole situation under control. This is what he composed before clicking on the REPLY button,


Thx for bringing this de-booking issue to my immediate attention. I fully agree with you that it will definitely throw the bug (typo???) off. FYI, this customer has reached their credit limit and must de-book this large order to stay within their limit.

Pls approve.


Suddenly, wham and another wham. Buzzwordy saw the hotel room windows vibrating violently and the bed where he sat on began to slide back and forth. It was like doomsday all of a sudden and this unanticipated earthquake woke Buzzwordy up in a sweat. Without thinking deeply, he hit the REPLY button.

What happened when Xavia saw BuzzWordy's response? Lets find out on Day Four.



  1. Hey There Buzzwordy, any chance you can change the text from blue to yellow? It's really hard to read.
