Day Fifty One,
Buzzwordy found himself sitting between two teenage kids on the plane bounded for Tel Aviv. These kids never stopped talking to each other and before he knew it, his patience was just about to run out.
"Hey dudes, can I get you guys to stop talking for the next few hours so that I can get some sleep? You don't want to be around when I am unhappy!" threatened Buzzwordy.
"Mister, have a life and leave us alone. If you are a frequent traveler, you should have no problems sleeping anyway." jeered the kid with straight brown hair who found pleasure in sticking his foot out into the middle of the aisle.
"Yeah, Kurt is right! Mind your own business mister!" echoed the other kid on Buzzwordy's right.
Buzzwordy gave both defiant kids a cold stare, rubbed his eyes violently, scratched his neck rapidly, and began to recite a poem which he made up when he first became a marketing wannabe.
"Samples can be good, and goodies can be sampled. Products can be labeled, and labels can be products. Look who is on my left and who is on my right, and they both make me really uptight."
He then paused for a second and checked the reaction of his neighbors. Surprisingly, these kids were so busy with themselves and they completely ignored his poem.
"Hey you, do you want to solve a business problem? If you win, I will give you $20. However, if I win, you and your friend will have to shut your mouths for the rest of this trip. Are you interested or not?" challenged Buzzwordy.
Both kids looked a bit puzzled since neither of them anticipated this move from Buzzwordy. They looked at each other and the kid in the aisle seat darted his tongue out mischievously.
"Lets see the money first!" winced the kid on his left.
Buzzwordy flashed his $20 bill and waved it in front of the kid. He stared at it without blinking his eyes while his friend expressed his excitement by resting his hand atop Buzzwordy's shoulder.
"Look kid, just because you have been invited to this marketing quiz game, it doesn't mean that we are now friends. Are you clear on this?" said Buzzwordy in a harsh voice.
"OK mister! What is your question?" replied the kid in the window seat.
"Yeah, what is your question?" the kid in the aisle seat chimed in immediately.
Buzzwordy raised his arms high above his shoulder, let out a heavy sigh, and got himself into a ready position.
"How relevant is vision marketing in the context of on-line semantic-based community networks?" asked the marketing whiz kid.
"What the heck?" yelled both kids simultaneously.
"Shall I repeat my question?" grinned Buzzwordy.
"I have never heard of these terms before and by the way, you can't throw us a fast ball like this. I have to say your question is completely out of context mister." complained the kid in the window seat.
"Kammie is right!" nodded the kid in the aisle seat.
"So Kammie and Kevin, I'm under the impression that you two want a simple question instead. Is it correct?" chuckled Buzzwordy.
"Totally!" shouted both kids.
"In this case, lets make a deal. Let me rest a bit first before we resume with a much simpler question. What say you two?" suggested Buzzwordy.
"Alright!" concurred both kids.
"Excellent!" smiled the marketing whiz kid as he closed his eyes and began to slumber.
See you all on Day Fifty Two.
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