Day Forty Four,
"Bif, are you in your room? I must speak to you immediately." insisted Buzzwordy while knocking on his CEO's hotel room door.
Buzzwordy looked frantic and upset, and judging by the sweat on his forehead, it was obvious that the marketing whiz kid was in total despair.
"What the heck is going on?" shouted Bif as he opened the door.
"Bif, Mr. Wang had just informed me that he is terminating our negotiation. The entire deal is off!" responded the panicky Buzzwordy.
"What are you talking about? What is off?" shrieked Bif.
"Our negotiation proposal!" replied the hyperventilated Buzzwordy.
Bif grabbed Buzzwordy by his shirt and yanked him into his room. Without any hesitation, he snatched the letter from Buzzwordy's hand and began to read it will undivided attention.
"This is crap! Pure crap! Buzzwordy, find Mr. Wang now and we are not leaving Shenzhen until this issue is resolved!" demanded Bif.
While the two of them were spinning out of control and worrying about the revenue impact from Mr. Wang's cancellation, Bif picked up a terse email from Mr. Wang on his notebook.
Mr. Bif;
I gave the termination letter to Mr. Buzzwordy. Our relationship is officially ended.
Good luck to you.
Sincerely Yours,
Mr. Wang
CC: Mr. Buzzwordy, Mr. Xavia
"Bif, here is an email from Xavia. I think he just sent it." said Buzzwordy while staring at Bif's computer screen.
In my opinion, our deal with Dominance is dead. Lets retrench.
Bif kept shaking his head. He clenched his fists and used the pillows on his bed as his punching bag. No words were spoken between him and Buzzwordy, and it was distinctively obvious that the Ambiance in the air was unbearably pungent.
"Bif, what should we do now?" inquired Buzzwordy.
"You mishandled this deal and now it is dead. I'm taking you off this project now. Leave my room and don't let the door hit you on your way out. You, Xavia and I will meet back in the office once we return. Now, get out!" yelled Bif.
Buzzwordy excused himself and dragged his half-dead body back to his room. He was upset, depressed, and tremendously jittery. Upon reflection, this Shenzhen trip was the worst one for him. It was a loser from the very beginning.
While squatting next to the hotel desk, he began to tell himself that his career at Bif's company has finally come to an end. He was so convinced that Bif would request Xavia to fire him once the three of them meet up in the office.
"So be it!" sighed the marketing whiz kid.
Looks like Day Forty Five could be Buzzwordy's final chapter.
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