Buzzwordy's Reservoir of Marketing Tips
Negotiation Re-visit
The following tip was introduced as the second one from my September 14, 2010 negotiation post,
When the other side offers you something to drink, always choose water over anything else. Naturally, a bottled water with a tightly sealed cap is preferred. Make sure that you check for bubbles inside the bottle - if bubbles are seen, don't drink that bottle. This means that it has been tampered. With a clear bottled water, you don't need to drink too much, just a tiny sip to keep your mouth moist will work.
Lets use Buzzwordy in this example.
The Location: customer's dingy office
The Parties: Buzzwordy and the customer
The Topic: policy adjustment request
"Welcome to my joint Mr. Buzzwordy. I hope that you had a wonderful flight!" greeted the customer.
"Thank you kindly for your asking Mr. Customer. My flight has been decent." replied Buzzwordy while shaking the customer's hand.
"Great! Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable. Can I offer you anything, will water or juice be fine?" suggested the customer.
"Bottled water will be just fine. Thanks very much." confirmed Buzzwordy.
Once the customer returned with the bottled water. Buzzwordy kept staring at it to make sure that there were no suspicious bubbles inside. He did it so subtly that the customer couldn't detect anything obtrusive about his behavior. After he had the opportunity to scan the entire bottle a few times and come to the conclusion that everything looked normal, he proceeded to uncap the bottle.
"Shall we start our meeting?" asked the anxious customer.
"Absolutely!" agreed Buzzwordy while sipping his water gently.
Anyhow, it was a productive meeting. The customer was happy with how knowledgeable Buzzwordy was with his company's policies as well as understanding his hot buttons. By taking in the water gradually, Buzzwordy didn't have to make multiple excuses about going to the washroom. This made the meeting go smooth and effective.
So hats off to Buzzwordy for going slow on consuming his bottled water and making the negotiation meeting go smooth and effective.
Note from Buzzwordy
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