It was ridiculously chaotic the moment Buzzwordy walked into the office. People were roaming around, looking dazed and confused, and whispering uncomfortably. He found Xavia standing outside his office, cross-armed, and expressionless. There were boxes everywhere and he could even hear a few people scream from time to time. The scene could easily resemble the 911 aftermath.
"You guys need to go to our general assembly room now. Bif has an important announcement to make!" exclaimed JJ, the marketing communication manager.
Xavia did not bother to respond to JJ. He gave Buzzwordy this I-cannot-do-nothing look before hastening himself over to the general assembly room.
Buzzwordy knew that something fishy was about to happen. He didn't bother to catch up with Xavia and instead, slowed his pace down so that stress won't eat him up alive like the rest of the company.
The general assembly room was packed like sardines. All the usual characters were present. Besides Bif and his management team, Buzzwordy also saw Lucifer, the HR manager, and JJ, the marketing communication manager. The crowd was exceptionally quiet and docile. Buzzwordy swore that he could almost hear a pin drops.
"Folks, thank you for coming to this important meeting. As most of you know, I have been working on re-architecting our company so that we can become competitive again. When I looked at our revenue growth for the last two years, I saw nothing but stagnation. Now with the recession looming over our heads, we must be more diligent, more passionate about our jobs, more frugal, and more caring for each other. Does anyone have any question?" announced Bif.
Buzzwordy looked around the room and saw everyone sitting snugly with full anticipation for Bif to unfold the new organization. The air was getting thicker than the ashes from Mt. St. Helen.
"Alright then! Lucifer, why don't you put up the new organization so everyone can see!" gestured Bif to the introverted and often creepy looking HR manager.
The moment of reckoning had arrived once Lucifer showed the new organizational chart. Everyone was stared intensively at the chart hoping to find a box with his or her name inside.
"Listen up folks! In order for our company to return to its glorious days, I have decided to optimize our operation by right-sizing in three key areas. I'm a firm believer that once these three areas have been addressed, our company will take off like a Russian rocket. Having said this, a large number of people in engineering, sales, and marketing have been affected immediately. Here is the breakdown - 40% in engineering, 20% in sales and 50% in marketing." delivered Bif in a stern voice.
There was an uproar in the room immediately after Bif finished his deliverance. Buzzwordy was shocked to learn that half of his marketing team had been wiped out. It was obvious that all Bif wanted to do was to increase earnings by cutting expenses deep.
"This meeting is adjourned. For those people who are affected, please stay behind and speak to Lucifer. JJ, why don't you stand by to assist as well!" yelled Bif as he made his way towards the door.
"Buzzwordy, I think you and I are saved. Please gather the rest of the marketing guys for a quick meeting. I have to speak to Bif now!" shouted Xavia.
I'll see all of you on Day Thirty Five.
Note from Buzzwordy
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