How smart can a grid be?
It was the night before the SMART GRID conference and Buzzwordy was feeling terribly jittery. He found himself pacing back and forth inside the hotel room, reciting all the notes that he took regarding the panel topic "How smart can a grid be?", and cursing at himself for not remembering half of them.
He sent a quick email to all the panel participants to request them to meet with him 10 minutes before starting the panel and everyone responded right away. Buzzwordy felt good for being in control of the situation since this was his first opportunity as a panel moderator even though he's been on many technology panels throughout his career. He knew that he had to turn in early so that he would have enough juice to conduct a successful panel tomorrow but he just couldn't shut his eyes for good.
"You'll pay the price in the morning!" bickered Buzzwordy.
At the crack of dawn, Buzzwordy jumped right up from his bed, took a quick shower, and headed straight to the conference center. He was half awake but convinced himself that he could handle the panel without a sweat. Getting a decent breakfast didn't quite appeal to him since his entire bio rhythm was thrown upside down due to insufficient sleep.
"Excuse me, do you know what time the conference hall opens up?" asked Buzzwordy when he bumped into a conference staff on the ground floor.
"Good morning sir, the hall will be opened in two hours. It is still too early!" responded the conference staff.
"Thank you, is there a place where I can rest my feet for a while before the hall opens up?" queried Buzzwordy.
"Yes sir, there are some benches on the second floor and you can take the escalator to go there!" grinned the conference staff.
Buzzwordy thanked this kind person and began his journey towards the escalator.
He spotted a few empty benches after arriving on the second floor and picked the corner one to give himself plenty of peace and quiet. He realized that the panel session was three hours away and he would have enough time to recite the notes again. He could feel his eyebrows coming down for a drink (aka feeling really sleepy) not long after he began to recite his copious notes. As Buzzwordy slumped his body back into the bench and started to slumber away, a heavy nudge to his shoulder woke him up.
"Hi dude, long time no see since we last met in Malaysia. I found out that you are hosting the "How smart can a grid be?" panel this late morning. I will definitely be there to learn something from you. Looks like you had a rough night!" greeted Petro, the tall and lanky magazine editor whom Buzzwordy bumped into when he went to Malaysia.
"Oh hi Petro! You really didn't have to wake me up. I just need another 30 minutes to rest my brain. I'll see you at the panel session, OK!" responded Buzzwordy in an unpleasant tone.
"Nothing to worry about dude. BTW, since we still have some free time before your panel, why don't you gimme an update about which way the smart grid market is heading to? I could put down what you are telling me in the next print! Great PR for you and your company, and I'm sure that your CEO Bif will love that. What say you Buzzwordy?" requested Petro.
"Petro, are you fishing for G2 (aka inside or secretive) information or just want to know about the smart grid market in general?" questioned Buzzwordy.
"Hi dude, whatever that you can offer to me will be appreciated. I'm simply hungry for new technology information. After all, this is how I get paid. How about just 15 minutes of your time?" pleaded Petro.
Petro's request certainly put Buzzwordy in the bind. If he chose to blow this guy off, the entire media community would crucify him but if he agreed to take on this interview unprepared, he could make a fool of himself given his mental state of unfitness.
Feeling unease and uncomfortable, Buzzwordy wasn't sure how to turn Petro's nagging request down. As his anxiety continued to build up, he felt like a fish out of the pond.
"Well dude, lets do it OK?" pressured Petro.
"Wait Petro, I just saw someone whom I must speak to now. You really have to excuse me. I must go and will see you at my panel session." responded Buzzwordy while grabbing his briefcase and chasing after someone down the hallway.
"OK then dude!" said Petro.
Who was that someone that grabbed Buzzwordy's attention? Lets find out on Day Twenty One.
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